Wednesday, May 11, 2011

It is so difficult to show in ONE picture "What is London and Fashion for me"..., But this is our homework and we should do it, no collages and no Photoshop:)) Only photo picture!

This picture shows how hard is study in London in fashion school:))) This is my room - 2 hours before the exam.

And this is amazing view to the city from one of the highest place in London (London Eye). Why I choose this picture?....Because London itself is fashion for me. If you have ever been in this international city you could understand what I mean:)) The streets are full of different styles - mix off modern and old/vintage, different subcultures and cultures, open for creativity and experiments. You can wear whatever you want mix the colors how you want and show your personality as you wish ....nobody will judge you!
Also in this 2 photo pictures you can see how changeable is weather in london 
(only in 3 min. - from raining to sun), 
the same you can do with your style too:)) Be unpredictable:)

I made this picture only 3 days ago:))) Amazing lady in interesting dress with corset, with colorful here and A LOT of piercing on her hall face. And believe me she is not the only person here in London who does not afraid to show her personality.

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